vom Hause Odom's Rottweilers
1611 S. Jenkins Rd.Ft. Pierce, FL. 34947

Email Us: ljo528@aol.com

Call Us: 772-409-3151
  • Looking for the perfect puppy toy?

    Are you looking for a multi-purpose irresistible management toy for your unmanageable puppies? Well look no further! Just visit your local Tractor Supply store and invest $2.99 for a paisley bandana. Wait, as you can see the puppies will love it. This bandana wears many hats. It services as a: Puppy attractor, puppy distractor, puppy encourager, puppy discourager, game initiator, and cleaning messy faces. Best of all, it is made in the USA, 100% cotton by ‘Hav-A-Hank’, and comes in assorted colors and is light weight. It is also a fashion accessory to wear with your worn-out, work jeans. It has almost a 5-star rating. 4 out of 5 puppies surveyed prefer this bandana. Wash and go, no ironing required!!